Given by the Blessed Virgin Mary
History of Mélanie Dupuis
(Reception of the Rosary of the Two Most Holy Hearts)
Around the year 1996, I went on a spiritual retreat where a ministry of inner healing was happening, and shortly after, I received "the gift of tongues."
Later on, I had the desire to go on a pilgrimage to a Shrine of Mary, but I couldn't do it because I had mononucleosis. I prayed in my heart to the Holy Virgin Mary, telling her about my sorrow at not being able to go to Her, even though I felt a
strong need for Her presence. I had started praying and fasting more actively for
Her intentions.
I then received a gentle voice in my heart, which was the one of the Holy Virgin
Mary: "You cannot come to me; it is I who come to you."
Since that time, I hear Her occasionally whenever she has permission from Her Son
to speak to me. I know that she is present every time I pray to Her.
At that time, I immediately made a request to Mary and Jesus to ask Abba Father
for my healing in my physical health, and I promised to spend the rest of my life
spreading devotion to their Two Most Holy Hearts.
My health was then restored, and I began to receive inspired songs.
In 2001, while I was in prayer, I had to quickly take a piece of paper and a
pen because the Holy Virgin Mary came to teach me the phrases to recite for
the Rosary of Salutation to their Two Most Holy Hearts. Also, I received
instructions for the construction of the rosary, including the miraculous medal.
I then knew that Abba Father had granted my prayer by granting me His healing.
At the request of their Two Most Holy Hearts, since then, I recite this rosary for
the relief of souls in Purgatory and to free lineages from all occult chains and
addictions. Know that the Holy Virgin Mary and Christ promise the protection of
the regions for those who recite this rosary with Faith, Love, and Trust.
Prayer inspired by Saint Padre Pio
By your infinite Mercy, Oh Abba-Father, I cover myself with the merits of the Two Most Holy Hearts of Jesus Christ and Mary, the Immaculate Conception, for your greater glory and out of love for souls in Purgatory. Amen!
Chaplet of the Two Most Holy Hearts

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Precious Blood of Christ, cover us. R. Veni Sancte Spiritus ! (Come, Holy Spirit!)
Mary, Mother of Mercy, R. extend your immaculate mantle over us! Amen!
On the Miraculous Medal: Credo (I believe in God ... )
Suggested intentions:
-First decade: For the souls in Purgatory, including the most forgotten
-Second decade: For the priests, the sick and the dying.
-Third decade: For UNIFICATION: the unity of nations and families, the return of children to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
On the red bead before each of the 3 decades:
Hail, O Most Holy Hearts of Jesus Christ and Mary, burning with Love for each one of us. You consume us with Love for You, and You show us the true Way, which 1s to love our neighbor as ourselves.
R. O Most Holy Hearts of Jesus Christ and Mary, we consecrate ourselves to You with all the love of our hearts, now and for Eternal Life. Amen.
On the 10 blue beads:
Hail, 0 Immaculate Heart of Mary, from whom grace overflows. You are united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ and you both bless those who consecrate themselves to your Two Hearts.
R. O Most Holy Hearts of Jesus Christ and Mary, burning with Love for us, pray for all souls of the earth, so that all may be saved. Amen.
After the 3 decades, return to the 1st red bead:
All patron saints, and the entire heavenly court, R. pray for us, and for all humanity! Amen!
On the 3 white beads:
I give you everything, Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. I give you everything, Immaculate Heart of Mary. Hearts of Light, watch over my family, and over the whole world. Amenl
FINAL PRAYER: Father, that Your Divine Will be done! Amen!
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, 0 Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls." Prayer by Pope Leo XIII
Available soon
Explanation of the Rosary of the Two Most Holy Hearts of Jesus Christ and Mary, the Immaculate Conception
Note: This rosary is a complement to the conventional rosary
Miraculous Medal:
Saint Catherine Labouré received indications from the Holy Virgin to have a
medal struck containing on the reverse side the Two Most Holy Hearts of
Jesus Christ and Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
Note: The Holy Virgin asked me to place the miraculous medal at the beginning of
the rosary so that the "I believe in God" is recited to obtain the Miracle of a
greater Faith for ourselves and our loved ones.
Rosary with 3 decades:
1st decade: For the relief of the souls in Purgatory
2nd decade: For priests, the sick, and the dying
3rd decade: For the unity of peoples and families, the Return of children to the
Sacred Heart of Christ, Unity in prayer groups, and for the youth
Red Beads:
• To consecrate oneself to the Two Most Holy Hearts
Red signifies:
• Placing oneself under the Protection of the Precious Blood of Christ
• The Love that unites the Two Most Holy Hearts
Blue Beads:
• To greet the Heart of Mary united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ
Blue signifies:
• The water that flowed from the pierced Side of Christ
• It also reminds us to place ourselves under the Protection of the Mantle of
the Most Holy Virgin Mary
White Beads:
• To welcome the Light of the Two Most Holy Hearts into our earthly lineages
and in Purgatory
White signifies:
• The Body of Christ
• The Purity of the Two Hearts